
Rambam for Tuesday, 11 Tishrei, 5781 - September 29, 2020

Rambam - Sefer HaMitzvos
As Divided for The Daily Learning Schedule

Negative Mitzvah 356;
Positive Mitzvah 216

10 Tishrei, 5781 - September 28, 202012 Tishrei, 5781 - September 30, 2020

Negative Mitzvah 356: It is forbidden to remarry one's divorced wife who married and divorced a second time
Deuteronomy 24:4 "Then her former (first) husband who sent her away may not take her again to be his wife"

A man who divorces his wife is forbidden to remarry her if she married another man and then, was divorced a second time or was widowed from her second husband.

(If she did not marry another man, he is permitted to marry her again.)

Positive Mitzvah 216: "Yibum"
Deuteronomy 25:5 "Her husband's brother shall marry her"

If a man dies childless, one of his brothers is obligated to marry his wife (see Negative Mitzvah 357).

In every hardship, look for the spark of good and focus upon it with all your might. If you cannot find that spark, rejoice that wonder beyond your comprehension has befallen you.

Once you have unveiled and liberated the spark of good, it can rise to overcome its guise of darkness and even transform the darkness fully to light.

From: "Bringing Heaven Down to Earth" by Tzvi Freeman - tzvif@aol.com members.aol.com/tzviF