
Rambam for Thursday, 1 Shevat, 5785 - January 30, 2025

Rambam - Sefer HaMitzvos
As Divided for The Daily Learning Schedule

Positive Mitzvah 248

29 Tevet, 5785 - January 29, 20252 Shevat, 5785 - January 31, 2025

This is not an error of duplication. The full-fledged version of this Mitzvah are many and change for those who are learning the one/three chapter a day. The Message for the day from "Bringing Heaven Down to Earth" at the end of this Mitzvah is different than that of yesterday.
Positive Mitzvah 248: Laws of Inheritance
Numbers 27:8 "If a man dies and he has no son..."

HaShem blesses us with life and possessions.

When someone passes away, the property which HaShem has granted him is inherited by his children or next of kin.

This Positive Mitzvah concerns the many detailed laws of inheritance.

We should always remember that material possessions are not only things that are passed on to us by our parents.

The greatest inheritance we receive is our Jewish soul and connection to our Torah heritage. Thus, we add one more link in the everlasting chain of the Jewish People and in our devotion to the greatest gift of HaShem - the Torah.

That there are matters we don't understand is obvious -- how could the finite intellect of an inherently subjective mortal being, imprisoned within the confines of time and space, be expected to fathom the infinite wisdom of the Creator?

The great wonder is that there are matters we can understand.

From: Bringing Heaven Down to Earth by Tzvi Freeman - tzvif@aol.com