
Rambam for Tuesday, 20 Tishrei, 5785 - October 22, 2024

Rambam - Sefer HaMitzvos
As Divided for The Daily Learning Schedule

Positive Mitzvah 110

19 Tishrei, 5785 - October 21, 202421 Tishrei, 5785 - October 23, 2024

Positive Mitzvah 110: Purification from "Tzara'at"
Leviticus 14:2 "This shall be the law of one stricken with Tzara'at"

We are commanded to follow the Torah's instructions for purifying the Tzara'at impurities appearing on skin, clothes or houses (see Positive Mitzvah 77, 101, 102, 103).

Everything about the Rebbe was pure kindness. Even his idea of hell (in Hebrew: gehinom) was as kind and generous as could be: People have a misconception of Hell. Let me tell you what Hell really is.

Hell is a spiritual place where everything that exists in our world exists, but in an infinite way. So, whatever you chased after in this world, there you do it ad infinitum. And that's Hell.

From: Bringing Heaven Down to Earth by Tzvi Freeman - tzvif@aol.com