
Rambam for Wednesday, 7 Tishrei, 5785 - October 9, 2024

Rambam - Sefer HaMitzvos
As Divided for The Daily Learning Schedule

Positive Mitzvah 107

6 Tishrei, 5785 - October 8, 20248 Tishrei, 5785 - October 10, 2024

This is not an error of duplication. The full-fledged version of this Mitzvah are many and change for those who are learning the one/three chapter a day. The Message for the day from "Bringing Heaven Down to Earth" at the end of this Mitzvah is different than that of yesterday.
Positive Mitzvah 107: Impurity of coming in contact with a Dead Body
Numbers 19:11 "He that touches the dead body of any man shall be unclean"

Contact with a dead body makes a person impure.

All that exists is G-d and you.

Everything else is just interface.


Everything that exists in your world is about connecting to your Creator.

Everything is one of three:

  1. A connection to be grasped.

  2. A disconnection to be avoided.

  3. Or neutral ground. Awaiting you to transform it into a connection.

But if something was not part of your purpose, it would not exist in your world.

From: Bringing Heaven Down to Earth by Tzvi Freeman - tzvif@aol.com