
Lessons for today,
Tuesday, 6 Tishrei, 5785 - October 8, 2024

Chumash: Vezos Ha'Brocho, 3rd portion (Deut. 33:13-33:17) with Rashi.
Tehillim: 35-38, Also 103-105
Tanya: English text/Audio/MP3
 3 chapters Hebrew/Audio/MP3,
 1 chapter Hebrew/Audio/MP3,
 Sefer Hamitzvos English/Audio/MP3

Summary of Today's Chumash
The third aliyah contains the blessing for the tribes descended from Yosef. Their land shall yield more beautiful produce than any other portion. The Midrash says that the reason for this blessing is because of Yosef's refusal to listen to Potifer's wife's persuasion, the opposite of Adam harishon, who, because he listened to his wife and sinned, the earth was cursed.

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